Find The Right Birth Control | Eliminate Trial & Error | Pill0 — Pill0


Eliminating trial and error for patients and their doctors

Patients are often asked to sample a pill for at least three months, and will have to repeat this process of trial and error until they find the right fit, all while managing the intolerable side effects of switching pills again and again. By taking a data-driven approach and analyzing self-reported information, Pill0 eliminates this painful process.


Empowering patients

Interacting with the medical system can be a challenge for people who don’t have a family doctor, or access to continuous healthcare. By empowering patients with data, we are helping them better navigate a fragmented health system and have more constructive interactions with their physicians and online.


Inclusive medicine

There isn’t a lot of medical research that uses real-world evidence and considers the vastly different experiences of people who don’t fit the typical profile of a clinical trial candidate. By leveraging meta-analysis, the medical system gets more inclusive and adaptable.


Data-powered healthcare

The ubiquity of telemedicine is inevitable. Voluntarily self-reported patient data and machine learning have the potential to make remote healthcare services more complete and precise than they are today.


Built by scientists & data experts


Jaclyn Hearnden, M.Sc.

"Effective family planning benefits women. By giving women personalized information on the options available and their potential side effects we hope to give them more agency over their reproductive health than ever before."

Jaclyn is the founder of Pill0. She has two degrees in Biochemistry from McGill University, where she completed several research projects in diverse disease areas.

After working for a start-up in the field of health economics and outcomes research and facilitating clinical trials, Jaclyn began to pay attention to digital innovations and how they could potentially change the field of medical research for the better.

“I knew that metadata was being used to study some diseases. I just thought, why not apply it to birth control?”

By working for a leading digital health publisher Jaclyn continues to stay up to date and participate in the field of medical research while growing and iterating on Pill0.

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Justin Harris, B.Math

Justin is Pill0’s, Chief Technology Officer. He specializes in machine learning, Natural Language Processing, AI, blockchain technology and has over ten years experience in software development. Currently he is core developer for Bing Chat powered by OpenAI.

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Building data-powered medicine

Because hormones are complicated and unique to each human, it can feel impossible to predict the side effects of birth control. By contributing your data to Pill0, you are helping women, and diverse users discover the oral contraceptive options that are the best for them.

For patients
For healthcare providers
